Save Money On Your Car Insurance Today

by Levi Quinn
Balancing a budget can be difficult. Every penny you save on routine bills like electricity and car expenses can be put to better use somewhere else. You work hard for your money and you'd like to save as much as possible. Everyone likes to save money, so we've compiled a few tips to help you squeeze your auto insurance policy for all it's worth.
Balancing a budget can be difficult. Every penny you save on routine bills like electricity and car expenses can be put to better use somewhere else. You work hard for your money and you'd like to save as much as possible. Everyone likes to save money, so we've compiled a few tips to help you squeeze your auto insurance policy for all it's worth.

Comparison Shop

Comparing rates from several companies can get you the best possible deal on your car insurance. Online quote services are quick and easy, and they do the hard work for you. Comparing prices at regular intervals, like every six months, ensures that you are getting the best price for the coverage you need. It also forces you to review your policy so you can determine if your coverage is still adequate for your needs. There's no sense in paying for too much auto insurance.

Raise Your Deductible

By raising your deductible from $200 to $500, you can save up to 30% off your monthly premiums. If you have an accident, you'll have to pay a few hundred dollars more out of pocket, but if you bank the savings every month, you should have a nice nest egg to use should you need a quick $500 for your deductible.

Check For Discounts From Your Provider

Discounts are pretty much standard for all insurance companies. While details vary from company to company, some types of discounts are commonly offered by most insurers. Insurance companies offer discounts to policy holders that insure multiple vehicles, buy life, homeowner's or renter's insurance along with their auto insurance, and those who have fewer accidents and moving violations. Drivers over 50, those who take safety courses and owners of cars with safety equipment like daytime running lights, airbags and anti-lock brakes all can receive discounts on monthly premiums. It's important to talk with your insurer to make sure you're taking advantage of all discounts that you qualify for.

Take Advantage Of Low Mileage Discounts

Drivers who stick close to home can get a low mileage discount from the insurance company. Ask your agent if your daily commute meets the restrictions for your policy.

Shop Wisely For A New Car

Purchasing a new car that has a theft deterrent system, or one that is inexpensive to repair and is not often targeted by car thieves will lower your monthly car insurance. Do your homework before shopping and check in with your insurance agent before making your final decision. Finding out that the candy apple red convertible will cost you more in insurance per month than the loan payment, may make you change your mind about taking it home.

Be Realistic About Older Vehicles

If you own an older vehicle that is worth $2,000 or less, carrying full coverage insurance is probably not a smart financial decision. You would be further ahead to drop the extra insurance and save the difference in premiums in a bank account in case your vehicle becomes damaged or stolen. Let your money collect interest in your bank account, not your insurance company's.

An informed consumer can shave a few dollars, maybe even a few hundred dollars off of their car insurance premiums. Armed with these tips, you can make sure your hard earned money is working for you.

Sleeping With Your Car Keys

by Chris Rowlands

Are you putting yourself at risk from a "vamoose" burglar? Incidents of car theft using the owner's keys, stolen from the house, are on the increase.

You may laugh at the title of this article but in fact this is a very serious issue. “Vamoose” burglaries (whereby a burglar breaks into your house and grabs your car keys) are on the increase. Many of us retire to bed in the evening blissfully unaware of how easy we could be making the thieves job.

Many of these incidents are not planned burglaries but opportunist thefts, made all the easier by the car keys effectively being handed to the thieves on a plate.

A common mistake people make is to leave their keys on a table by the door or somewhere similarly easy for the burglar to spot. This then allows the thief, with the greatest of ease to hook your keys through the letterbox.

Obviously you should be covered under your motor insurance policy for theft of your car, but it is, to say the least, rather an inconvenience. To be honest, not a nice experience all round.

“What can I do to prevent this from happening?” you ask. Well that my dear reader is simple; take your car keys to bed with you. It really is as simple as that. The majority of opportunist thieves will only enter the bottom floor of the house and grab what they can in a matter of seconds. If they get a method of transport thrown into the bargain, well, all the better.

Don’t forget to check with the supplier of your car insurance if the location of your car is covered. For example; if you have informed your insurers that your car will be garaged, when in fact it will be parked on a road, this may null and void the policy. Something as small as that can make all the difference.

There are of course other things you can do to make your house and car more secure, here are just a few examples: Install a steering wheel lock on your car, park in a well lit area/install a flood light, add extra window and door bolts, install an alarm as a visual deterrent in both the car and the house and apply some general common sense to the situation.

10 Factors That Can Raise Or Lower Auto Insurance Rates

by Barry Allen
Auto Insurance premiums are never computed on a flat rate. The premium payable by each individual varies and is dependant on several variables. There are several factors that are used by auto insurers to determine the premium payable for auto insurance coverage.

Auto Insurance premiums are never computed on a flat rate. The premium payable by each individual varies and is dependant on several variables. There are several factors that are used by auto insurers to determine the premium payable for auto insurance coverage.

The rate of vehicle insurance is arrived at after taking into consideration the following:

1. Your age. Generally younger drivers are considered to be high risk and so the insurance rates are higher. Similarly older drivers too pay higher auto insurance premiums as with advancing age eyesight and coordination may become problems that affect driving.

2. The make of your car. Most insurance companies tabulate auto insurance rates based on the make of the vehicle. Compact cars and sedans have lower rates while sports models, exotic cars, and SUVs are assigned high rates of premium.

3. Gender is a factor too. Females get lower rates of auto insurance while males pay higher auto insurance premiums. Male drivers are consider high risk individuals as compared to females. According to statistics more accidents are caused by men than women drivers.

4. Financial stability. Auto owners with great credit scores and credit reports generally pay lower premiums than those with bad credit scores and reports. If you are considered to be a dependable individual then insurance companies offer lower premium rates.

5. Driving records have a say in premiums payable. If a driver has a clean driving record for three consecutive years then auto insurance providers will happily extend policies with lower premiums.

6. Where you stay. Those who live in the city pay more than individuals who live in the country or suburbs. Areas with lower crime rates and less congestion attract lower auto insurance premium rates. So if you live far from the maddening crowd then you will benefit by paying much lower premiums.

7. How many insurance policies you hold. If you approach for auto insurance the same insurance company that has you covered for life, health, hone and so on then you would automatically be eligible for great discounts on premiums payable for an auto insurance policy. Since the company already knows you and you have established credibility with them you will receive better rates as the insurers know what amount of risk you represent.

8. The condition of the car will be considered before offering a policy. The make, how old the vehicle is, its maintenance, and so on. A car in prime condition will get better premium rates than a rattletrap.

9. The distance traveled per year. If you restrict the number of miles traveled then you will be able to get auto insurance at lower rates. To do this you need to walk, use public transport, and car pool. Similarly a car used only for personal purposes will warrant lower premium than one used for business travel.

10. Whether or not you are eco-friendly. If you care for the environment and drive a non polluting vehicle then the auto insurance premiums will be lower. Auto insurers weigh the pros and cons of several factors before offering a viable premium rate. As a vehicle owner you can make an effort to lower your premium payable by keeping in mind all the factors that will affect your auto insurance premium. Most important always compare quotes from different auto insurers before deciding on a policy.

How to Find the Best Rates on Car Insurance in Arizona

by Angela Farnsworth
This is quite different from a lapse in your automobile coverage. A lapse in coverage will generate a penalty when you finally seek to secure coverage for the vehicle.
In the state of Arizona, financial responsibility is mandatory when it comes to owning an automobile. Even for out of state residents, which includes military personnel. If you are out of state and your vehicle is registered in Arizona you, you must submit what is called a De-Insurance Certificate. This form basically allows the car owner to keep the car registered, but uninsured because the vehicle will not be used or operated in the state of Arizona until adequate proof of insurance is supplied.

This is quite different from a lapse in your automobile coverage. A lapse in coverage will generate a penalty when you finally seek to secure coverage for the vehicle.

Knowing how serious Arizona is about having insurance, it is important for you to shop around and get the best rate. Here are a few tips for getting the best rate on your car insurance:

1. Call and research with several insurance companies before purchasing your vehicle. Explain the type of vehicle you’re thinking of purchasing or you have. Call around to find out which discounts apply.

2. Driving Record – This is a no brainer. A good driving record warrants a lower rate.

3. Prior losses: Have you submitted a lot of little claims. You know a fender nick here or a broken windshield there? Well, although the insurance company is there to pay such claims, this payment doesn’t come cheaply. The more you submit, the more they will charge you.

4. Ask for discounts: Never leave money on the table. For instance, if you have a teen on your auto policy, and your teen is a good student, did you know you could get a premium discount if your teen maintains grades of B or better? Chat with your agent. Ask what types of discounts they can offer.

Arizona is serious about having insurance on vehicles registered in the state. Driving around without insurance may get your car impounded; so make sure you shop around to get the best rate.

Deciding on a Car Insurance Plan

by Camilla Smith
It is important to know what kind of car insurance is available to you. It is equally important to know which particular plan will align with your specific needs. Learn how you can tailor a car insurance plan to your specific needs as a consumer to save money, time and peace of mind.

A common misconceptions flows through many of individual's brains that one either must either one must find the bare-bones, cheapest car insurance quote and hope they never get in an accident to save money,or get full coverage insurance to completely protect their vehicle in case of an accident to play it safe. Now either one can be true at one point or another, but in actuality it may be best to find a happy medium between the two. For example, if you consider your self a fairly safe driver and extremely cautious, you may want a combination insurance which gives you Uninsured Motorist, bodily injury liability, collision and comprehensive. This particular combination protects you from bodily injury costs, vehicle repair costs, keeps you safe from lightning or a broken windshield and protects you from uninsured motorist. To top it off one should always keep a towing package as well. Towing packages are often extremely cheap and provide affordable peace of mind when towing is needed.

Looking further in to your individual car insurance needs you may need more or less than this and each small decision you make can raise or lower you premiums or protect you more or less from long-term costs. Here is a breakdown of basic types of car insurance to help you decide on which type of car insurance is best tailored to your needs:

1. Uninsured Motorist - This is a must. In most cases it is required that you to at least carry this type of insurance in case of the other driver driving illegally without car insurance. This protects you in case you cannot pay for damages out of pocket.

2. Bodily Injury Liability - This is also a must. This type of insurance is required protect against injury to those who you may have injured in an accident.

3. Property Damage Liability - This type of auto insurance protects the property of third-party individuals whose property may have been damaged by an accident.

4. Physical Damage - This type of insurance protects you against physical damage your your vehicle. There are two types, Collision and Comprehensive. Collision covers your vehicle in case of an accident. Comprehensive covers you when a collision is not involved, ie. a broken windshield or a tree falling on your vehicle during a storm.

5. Medical - This type of insurance covers medical payments to you and anyone else involved in an accident in your own vehicle.

In addition to these, insurance companies often provide other smaller add-ons in which the vehicle owner may find valuable, for instance towing. Through understanding what is available and what options you may have, you can get the exact type of insurance that is right for you and save money, time and peace of mind.

Things To Know About The Auto Insurance Company

by Mandy Fain
If you have an auto insurance company and you miss a payment you might think it is okay. Companies usually have a grace period, but this depends on the specific company and the guidelines they follow. You receive a cancellation and termination clause with your insurance policy.

If you have an auto insurance company and you miss a payment you might think it is okay. Companies usually have a grace period, but this depends on the specific company and the guidelines they follow. You receive a cancellation and termination clause with your insurance policy. The auto insurance company has the right to cancel your car insurance at any time for many reasons including failure to comply with payment schedules.

Some states have a no fault car insurance clause. An auto insurance company in these states has to abide by the laws of the state and provide this service when determining your percentage of fault in the event of an accident. The accident might go like this, you would be ten percent at fault for being there and the other driver would be ninety percent at fault for causing the accident. The car insurance company pays for your damages no matter who is at fault.

An auto insurance company gives forms called SR-22 for drivers who need liability insurance to have a suspended or revoked driver’s license reinstated. This requirement usually comes with the car insurance company notifying the state if you cancel, forget to pay or terminated. Not all companies supply SR-22 forms so you may need to find an auto insurance company that provides this service. You are considered high-risk and they do not work with this type of liability.

You have an accident and the car is totaled. The auto insurance company takes two steps to determine how to pay for the damage. They take the value of the car and the amount it cost to fix the damage, if the cost to repair the vehicle costs more than the blue book value the car insurance company will total the car and pay you the value of the car. This might not be what you think the car is worth, but that is all they will pay.

Who is covered to drive your car and will the car insurance companies pay for the damage caused by an accident? If you loan your car to someone your insurance will cover him or her if an accident occurs. If your spouse, child or foster child drives your car, the policy will cover any accident damage. An auto insurance company may have special conditions regarding this coverage and you need to find out just how your insurance company covers the damages.

As you see, there are so many different facts about car insurance that most people do not even realize. If you have a question no matter how menial it seems, you should ask your auto insurance company. Practice good driving and ask questions when necessary

Car Insurance Rates - 4 Tips for Preventing Car Theft

by Dean Larson
Having your car stolen can be a scary thing. Often, those who have had their cars taken typically feel angry, vulnerable, and even violated. Here are four tips that can help prevent your car from ever being stolen.
Having your car stolen can be a scary thing. Many who have had their cars taken typically feel both angry and vulnerable, even to the point of feeling somewhat "violated". If you don't have insurance that covers the theft of a car when it happens, it can be equally as scary from a financial point of view. When you have comprehensive coverage on your car, your insurance company will help to replace your stolen car. While having this coverage is important, there are some ways that you can help prevent your car from being stolen as well, which may save you money on your car insurance rates in the long run. As they say, an ounce of prevention is always worth a pound of cure.

Tip 1: Use Common Sense - One of the best ways that you can prevent your car from being stolen is to use common sense and make sure that you lock your car doors whenever you leave your vehicle, regardless if it's in a dark alley, a public place, or parked in your garage. Plain and simple, if you leave your doors unlocked all the time, you elevate the risk of your car being stolen. You should also be sure that you take your keys with you and never leave them in your car or anywhere else in public. Often just using these common sense precautions is enough to save you from car theft.

Tip 2: Get an Alarm - You can also help prevent car theft by installing some kind of warning device or alarm device in your car. Whether it is a visible device or an audible one, both can be good deterrents to anyone thinking about stealing your car. Usually alarms are fairly affordable, and it is definitely cheaper than trying to find a new car.

Tip 3: Use an Immobilizing Device - Another way to prevent your car from being stolen is to purchase some kind of immobilizing device to use in your car. There are a variety of different devices available, such as smart keys, kill switches, the Club, and fuel cut-offs. Many of these devices are relatively inexpensive and they are highly effective as well.

Tip 4: Install a Tracking Device - One of the newer ways to deter car thieves is to have a tracking device installed in your car. These devices are quite high tech, and they will alert you when someone is moving your car without authorization. Some of these tracking devices actually will notify the police when unauthorized movement is made as well. While these tend to be a bit more expensive than other methods, they can definitely be a great help if your car actually gets stolen.

Even though you may have coverage on your car that will pay if it is stolen, taking preventive measures is much simpler and will help keep your car insurance rates down as well. Just taking the time to use common sense and employ the help of cheap devices can help keep your car from being stolen. While incorporating one of these tips is great, using all of them together can give you the best results when trying to protect your car from theft.

The One Item That Can Protect Your Assets & Income

by Gary Brown
When purchasing auto insurance most consumers focus on the wrong thing. Bodily Injury is THE most important coverage on your policy.

When car shopping, most of us focus on the car's features - the color, whether it is 2 door or 4 door, the stereo quality, how much wear is left on the tires, does the air conditioner blow cold air and how fast does the engine accelerate in traffic.

These are all important but they are substantially far less important than one single item on your auto insurance policy.

Ok, so you buy the car and call your agent for an auto insurance quote. Most consumers tend to then focus on what deductible to carry, and do we need full coverage or liability (if it is a used vehicle). Do you need towing, car rental, or glass?

Usually we never ask about the single most important coverage on your policy - Bodily Injury coverage.

Perhaps BI is just not understood very well. Perhaps the agent is not explaining it well enough. BI protects the "other" driver and injuries in their vehicle if you are at-fault. That's all well and good - to protect someone else. It's the law in most states but why should you worry about carrying high BI coverage when many consumers don't and leave you under-protected?

The answer is simple. Bodily Injury also helps protect your income and assets in the event you are sued. Let's say you carry $25,000 Bodily Injury but the other occupants have $50,000 in injuries, lost income, and related medical costs. You are personally responsible for anything over and above your limits. In this case, that is $25,000.

Likely you will be sued and lose. The other party, with the help of a qualified attorney, can then seek access to your assets and even perhaps to seek garnishment of a portion of your wages. It is a heavy price to pay when all you had to do was pay a little more in premiums to increase your BI up to $100,000 or $250,000.

If you currently carry less than $100,000 in BI coverage, you might be surprised at how little it costs to raise it to the next level. That small extra premium is certainly worth the cost and protection for your assets and income.

Auto Insurance - Simple Tips To Save You Money

by Terry Edwards
Is there anything more depressing than opening up that premium notice from your auto insurance company? It can certainly ruin the day for many people, but what can you do? Have you taken the time to explore all your options when it comes to getting discounts on your car insurance? Here are three quick tips to help you save the most amount of money from your auto insurance company.

Is there anything more depressing than opening up that premium notice from your auto insurance company? It can certainly ruin the day for many people, but what can you do?

Have you taken the time to explore all your options when it comes to getting discounts on your car insurance? Here are three quick tips to help you save the most amount of money from your auto insurance company.

1. Deductibles

Have you reviewed your car insurance policy to see what your deductibles are? You can save quite a bit of money by simply increasing your deductible amounts. For example, by increasing your deductible on collision coverage from $250 to $1,000 could reduce your premium quite a bit.

2. Discounts

This is a way of saving money on car insurance that more people should be aware of. You may be losing out on discounts you never realized were available. Be sure to ask your agent about every discount that is available. Here are a few of the ones to look for:

-Multi car discount for having 2 or more cars insured with the same company.

-Security system discount

-Defensive driving course or driver's education course discount

-Accident free discount

-Good student discount

-Multiple lines of insurance if you have your home and your cars insured by the same company

These are just a few of the many discounts that auto insurers offer.

3. Driving Record

This is a big one. Your driving record will be the most important aspect in determining your car insurance rates. Be safe and avoid tickets to keep your premiums down. Do everything you can to prevent tickets from showing up on your driving record. The easiest way of doing that is to not get them in the first place.

Car insurance is high enough as it is. By using these tips you may be able to save some money and open up your next auto insurance company premium notice to find a pleasant surprise.

All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active and do not edit the article in any way.

Comparing Comprehensive Car Insurance

by Martin Lukac
Comparing comprehensive car insurance will save you money and time. Instead of running around all day, looking for car insurance you can use the quotes online to compare policies.

Comparing comprehensive car insurance will save you money and time. Instead of running around all day, looking for car insurance you can use the quotes online to compare policies.

The online tools give you access to thousands of insurance providers that will help you find the best rates.

When you consider car insurance, you want to think - comprehensive - third party - third party liability - third party fire/theft - and so on.

Comprehensive -

This full coverage policy varies from company to company. You can find full coverage that will cover a wide arrange of issues, yet some policies have stipulations, clauses, etc that stops at a point.

When you research for full coverage, look through the plans, compare to see what you have available. You will find plans that will cover your overall car needs, yet how soon they pay out is something to consider. Some companies will pay out quickly, while others will put you through more drama than you will go through in a car crash. Take time to explore.

The law in most states expects third party, i.e. you at least need liability coverage in your town to avoid court fines and costs. You want to check around. Some of the third party coverage insurance will cover basics, but if your car catches afire, you are hit.

Comprehensive coverage is often best if you own a newer vehicle. In fact, when you purchase a vehicle from a car lot you will have to have full coverage insurance before you can drive the vehicle away.

If you have insurance already and feel that, the cost is more than you should be paying. You can search the Internet and use insurance quote tools to find lower prices. Use the quote tools at the insurance sites online to compare cost, policies and companies.

Look for the lowest rates on premiums. If you agree to pay a higher deductible, you can get your premiums lowered. Deductibles range from $250 and up. The higher deductible you agree to pay the lower your premiums will be. Deductibles in the amount you agree to pay out of pocket on repairs caused from accidents, incidents, and so on.

If you have an older vehicle, you can surface with third party- third party liability - or third party fire/theft. Your best bet is to apply for third party liability. Third party insurance only will usually cover the other party's damage and not yours. Liability protects you from lawsuits in the event you may cause an accident.

As I said, using the insurance quote systems online is wise. You can compare insurance costs and policies to learn more and find the best deals. Be sure to examine the company you discover offering good deals to make sure that this company has a good reputation.

How To Find The Best Car Insurance Rates

by George M. White
Realize that there are three kinds of insurance companies in the State of Texas: preferred, standard, and nonstandard. Preferred companies offer the best car insurance rates, while standard companies are usually higher. If you encounter an insurance company that seems to target drivers with poor records or bad credit, it is probably a nonstandard company. In some cases you will find that an insurance company is a group of companies, which includes one or more provider in each class. They give the best car insurance rates to the least risky clients through their preferred companies, the higher rates to the more risky drivers through the standard or nonstandard providers.

No matter what kind of coverage you desire, you certainly want to find the lowest auto insurance rate possible. A wise car insurance shopper should become educated about the various factors auto insurance providers used to determine rates. At the most general level, car insurance rates are determined by the estimated “risk” level of the driver. The lowest car insurance rates are quoted to those drivers who are perceived by the provider to carry the lowest risk. Of course, it is impossible for auto insurance companies to know for certain how likely it is you will get into an accident. Instead, providers use a series of calculations that take into account local and national averages.

The factors that may affect your car insurance rates in the State of Texas include:

* Type of car you drive – Car insurance providers assume that someone who drives a sports car is more likely to speed than someone who drives an SUV, therefore placing him/her at a higher risk.

* The area where you live – Geography, population density, culture and other local factors have an impact on how likely you are to have an accident. Insurance providers attempt to take such factors into effect when calculating your auto insurance rate.

* Your claims history – Obviously the more accidents you have had, the more likely it is that auto insurance providers will consider you a risk, and consequently, you can expect higher rates.

* Your credit score – Making the assumption that a responsible person will be a responsible driver, the best car insurance rates are given to drivers with impeccable credit histories.

* Your age – Statistically speaking, mature drivers have fewer accidents and therefore can expect to be quoted low auto insurance rates.

* How you use your car – The more miles you drive each day, the higher your probability of accidents. How you use your car—for business, pleasure, or simply to get to work—will have an impact on whether you will be able to find a low car insurance rate.

Realize that there are three kinds of insurance companies in the State of Texas: preferred, standard, and nonstandard. Preferred companies offer the best car insurance rates, while standard companies are usually higher. If you encounter an insurance company that seems to target drivers with poor records or bad credit, it is probably a nonstandard company. In some cases you will find that an insurance company is a group of companies, which includes one or more provider in each class. They give the best car insurance rates to the least risky clients through their preferred companies, the higher rates to the more risky drivers through the standard or nonstandard providers.

While we all want to find the best car insurance rate, there are always a wide array of issues to consider other than price. A company's financial rating and complaint index may be a good indicator of how likely it is the payout will be there for you when you need it most!

George White is a licensed agent bringing many years of experience, in all aspects of the insurance industry. Let him help you sort through the complicated process of finding the best auto insurance policy at the lowest rate. If he cannot offer you the best deal, he will refer you to someone who can. Send him an email, or give George White a call today!

Car Insurance - 5 Simple Ways to Get the Best Car Insurance Quotes

by M Machen
Are you paying too much insurance? I can show you how to reduce your insurance and get more value from your auto investment.

Have you checked insurance rates recently? They can be outside your budget, or comparatively affordable, depending on where you shop. Shopping for auto insurance quotes online, results in instant quote returns. You can find the best rates online by using the following guidelines.

1. Complete Information

Provide complete information for each quote you request. When you request an auto insurance quote be sure you have typed in complete information, with no typos or errors. Review each application at least twice for VIN and prior information details.

2. Vehicle Identification Number

Check the VIN for verification several times. On your Vehicle Registration Cards, Prior Insurance Cards, Title, and in the Windshield for accuracy. Having a wrong VIN results in a miss quoted insurance rate.

3. Zip Code

Be certain the location of parking is in the correct Zip Code. If you vehicle spends more time at the office than at home, you might want to use that Zip Code in order to receive the proper insurance rates. Where you park the vehicle does matter.

4. Ownership Information

Be sure you have the right spelling and names on your ownership. This is crucial to getting the right insurance quote for your vehicle. Birthdates and names are important, because they are included in driving records. If one owner drives a vehicle more than the other, be certain to provide this information as well.

5. Security Provisions

Do you take extra precautions in parking your vehicle to prevent vehicle theft? Be sure to explain those when you request an Insurance quote for your vehicle. The care you take may lower your insurance premiums significantly.

A Guide to Car Insurance in Southern California

by Stuart Brown
Although it used to take quite a bit of energy and effort to find affordable automobile insurance in Southern California, these days it is significantly easier to find the insurance quotes you want without a lot of work. I discuss what you need to do, and where you need to go to get a fantastic price on your Car Insurance in Southern California!

Although it used to take quite a bit of energy and effort to find affordable automobile insurance in Southern California, these days it is significantly easier to find the insurance quotes you want without a lot of work. There are many services these days which exist to negotiate rate quotes and options with many different insurance companies, in order to deliver the information to you all at once. A single service can deliver several rate quotes from several different insurance companies, and all you have to do is fill out a single form with a limited amount of information about you, your driving record and your vehicle. California is known for having some of the highest available auto insurance rates in the entire country, so it can be difficult to find car insurance quotes in southern California that you are happy with, or that you feel are affordable. The following is a primer on finding inexpensive car insurance in southern California.

Minimum Coverage: Liability insurance is the only form of insurance which is required in order to license your vehicle. This insurance is what pays for the damage that is done to another vehicle or to property when you are at fault in a collision. This form of insurance also covers medical expenses incurred by other passengers in addition to compensating them for pain and suffering.

Liability Coverage: The minimum amount of liability insurance coverage that you can acquire in California is known as 15/30/5 which means that you need to have $15,000 worth of coverage for injuries to the other car and any one person, in addition to $30,000 worth of coverage for injuries sustained by all people in the other car, and $5,000 worth of coverage for any damage dealt to the other car or property. Increasing the amount of liability coverage that you have will help protect you in case a lawsuit is filed against you.

Collision Coverage: This is a form of optional coverage which pays for repairs for your vehicle. This coverage is good to have because it covers the damage done to your car regardless of who was at fault in the collision. This coverage is more useful if you drive a newer vehicle which is worth repairing rather than simply replacing.

Comprehensive Coverage: This is an optional form of overage which pays out for any form of damage that does not involve a collision, such as vandalism, theft, fire, and so on. This coverage is only useful if your car is new and worth repairing, otherwise you may simply want to replace your car and skip this type of coverage.

Personal Injury Coverage: This is another optional form of coverage, which pays for the medical bills incurred by you and/or your passengers when you are involved in an accident. If you already have medical insurance, it may be worth it to skip this coverage.

Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage: This coverage pays for the medical expenses incurred by you and your passengers and the damage that is done to your vehicle if you are in an accident which is caused by a driver who is uninsured, underinsured, or who flees the scene of the crime. Because twenty five percent of drivers in California are driving without having a driver's license, this is a very good form of insurance coverage to have.

Finding cheap California automobile insurance online can be significantly easier than completing the process in person, because rates can vary wildly between different companies in California. The internet makes the process simply by allowing you to go to a single insurance comparison website which represents several different insurance companies. Filling out a single request for a quote with your personal information will connect you with quotes from several different insurance companies. Many of these websites also offer information sections, which contain tips on saving money and finding the right kind of car insurance for your situation.

Shop Around: The same policy options can have as much as a 300-percent price difference when offered by several different insurance providers throughout southern California. The best way to determine which rate is the best based on the provisions of the insurance policy is to shop around and to compare quotes from many different automobile insurance companies. You may also look to your current automobile insurance provider to see if you can negotiate a lower rate quote, because most insurance companies are willing to give discounts when it means keeping a customer who may otherwise go looking for cheaper insurance.

Lower Your Mileage: Did you know that if you cut your daily mileage down to less than forty miles per day, you can significantly cut down the amount that you are paying for your automobile insurance in southern California? You can save more than $100 per year simply by cutting down the amount of driving that you do every day.

Higher Deductibles Mean Lower Premiums: If you take on higher deductibles through your southern California automobile insurance, you can actually find that you will be paying lower monthly insurance premiums. You should make sure that you are putting away money in case an accident happens, so that you are not left unable to pay the deductible.

All in all, you should be looking for a well rounded policy which covers all of the things that you need for your individual situation, while still offering a monthly premium which is affordable enough for you to handle. Automobile insurance is a necessary part of driving, so make the extra effort to find the most affordable policy that you can, to protect yourself from paying too much out of pocket if an accident ever occurs.

Motorists Warned On Extra Charges In Insurance Small-Print

by Stuart Coster
The typical advice when buying car insurance is to 'shop around' for the lowest quote. But failing to think ahead and factor in potential extra costs during the period of the policy could leave that cheap quote looking far from the best deal.
Motorists are being urged to be alert to a growing range of extra charges that could make car insurance policies far from the best deal months after drivers have bought them.

Analysts are predicting big rises in car insurance premiums this year due to a combination of an EU ruling on VAT, spiralling personal injury claims and accidents involving uninsured drivers.

In a bid to boost profits while keeping quotes competitive, insurers are cutting back on previously standard features of policies and cashing in on a range of post-purchase charges.

Moving house, changing your car or wanting to take a car abroad on holiday are often predictable events within the period of a car insurance policy. But few factor in the extra costs of such events at the time of buying.

As these charges vary widely between insurers, adding them to the headline quote can turn the cheapest policy into one that's not so competitive.

Policy amendment charges

Some insurers will charge up to £25 to make a change to the details on which a policy is based, on top of any additional premium that may be due for a new car or address.

The AA charges this top rate, while Churchill isn't much better, charging £21. However, Norwich Union stands out for making no admin charge for policy changes.

With 7.5 million used cars changing hands in 2005 and one in ten people moving home every year, charges for policy changes alone net insurers a substantial extra income.

Extra for driving in Europe cover

The number of free days of full cover for taking your car to the continent included in policies also varies widely between insurers.

Some, like Churchill and, include a generous 90 days full cover free of charge. However, Admiral and easyMoney offer no free days at all, hitting customers with a further charge for anything more than basic Third Party cover if wanting to take their cars on holiday.

While others, like eSure and Direct Line, offer three days free - enough for a weekend away - taking a car on a two week break to Europe could cost their customers up to £50 extra.

Up to 4.5 million people will have faced these extra charges for taking their car abroad during 2005.

High cost of paying monthly

Insurers have also been criticised for hitting customers with high interest rates for paying monthly. The AA fares badly here again, charging customers an APR of 24.9% which is very high when compared with interest rates of competitive credit cards at typically around 15%. Kwik Fit is another poor performer, charging customers an APR of 16% for paying in installments.

While some insurers do have competitive APRs for paying monthly, in almost all cases it still makes more sense to pay for car insurance in one go on a special offer 0% interest credit card.

Paying the total off the card monthly, rather than arranging installments through the insurer, can save this big extra cost.

Courtesy car - standard or extra?

It also pays to study policy features such as whether a courtesy car is included free with a policy, and the size of the compulsory excess, to compare what your extra costs would be if the worst should happen.

A free courtesy car is becoming more rare as a standard feature, with insurers instead offering to 'guarantee' a courtesy car only in return for an additional fee when buying the policy.

If drivers exercise their right to choose a repairer that isn't approved by their insurer but which will provide a free courtesy car, insurers often charge a higher excess.

Excessive excess?

Costs like the compulsory excess that motorists are expected to pay towards a claim can vary by at least £140 between different insurers, even given the same personal circumstances.

Choosing an insurer with a high compulsory excess leaves little room to offer to pay an additional voluntary excess to help reduce the quote, without potentially being hit with a large bill in the event of an accident.

Most of us will have a good idea whether we're likely to move house, change cars, or take a car to Europe on holiday in the year ahead.

Considering likely extra charges when buying and factoring them into the quote will ensure the true annual cost of policies can be compared.

How To Purchase Only the Car Insurance You Need

by Joseph Wood

Have you ever received your automobile insurance bill and found yourself wondering if you are paying for a lot of coverages that you do not need? There are so many different options, how does one know what is worthwhile and what is not? Some options that are offered are really duplications of other coverage that you may already have. My purpose in writing this is to help you sort through the options and help you to build a policy that covers your needs, without covering things that you do not need.

Have you ever received your automobile insurance bill and found yourself wondering if you are paying for a lot of coverages that you do not need? There are so many different options, how does one know what is worthwhile and what is not? Some options that are offered are really duplications of other coverage that you may already have. My purpose in writing this is to help you sort through the options and help you to build a policy that covers your needs, without covering things that you do not need.

As a disclaimer I must state that I can only talk in terms of general concepts, and that you should query your insurance agent if you do not fully understand parts of what I am describing. Remember that your insurance agent makes more money if he sells you more policy, so he/she may not be completely objective.

OK let’s get started. The first thing to do if you can is to look into discounts for multiple policies. If you are a homeowner, insuring your home and cars with the same carrier can provide significant discounts. If you have multiple cars then insuring them all with the same carrier is usually cheaper, but not always.

First set of numbers to think about is liability, which is the portion of the insurance typically required by state law. This is the part of the insurance that pays others, not you. To figure out how much liability to need to cover, determine your net worth exclusive of residence and exclusive of things that you already own. Generally your liability should cover twice that amount up to $300,000.00, and if you need more than that then ask for a 1 million dollar umbrella policy which will cover your home and cars as well. On the lower side try to cover $50,000.00 if you can, and make note of minimums in state law. Typically there are three numbers, like 50/100/50. The first is how much would be paid to a single person, the second how much could be paid in total for one event, and the third is how much property damage (typically other people’s vehicles) that can be covered. It is safest to have that last number at $50,000.00, but you may be able to get away with $25,000.00. There are a lot of $50,000.00 and higher vehicles on the road, but most people who drive cars like that will have under-insured coverage.

Next numbers are collision and comprehensive. Collision pay for damage to your vehicle resulting from any collision and comprehensive pays for any damage to your vehicle not as the result of a collision (like a broken windshield). First thing to understand is that the maximum payout on either of these is the blue book value of your car, so as you car decreases in value there comes a point where the coverage no longer makes sense. If your car is worth less than $2000.00 then the payout you would potentially receive from the insurance company may not be worth the premiums. You would think that the premiums for these coverages tend downward because they are covering less value every year (for the same vehicle), but somehow it does not seem to work out that way. There are also deductibles, and generally the higher the deductible, the lower the premium. Check all the rates though, as we have found that sometimes a $250.00 deductible is only a few dollars more expensive than a $500.00 deductible. Many times auto body shops will cut you break on a little of your collision deductible, so we have never needed to go below $500.00 on that. We keep our comprehensive at $250.00 because typically no one helps with it.

Once you have liability, collision and comprehensive, you have the basics for an automobile policy that is just what you need. There are a lot of other coverages available, and there are several of them that you may not need, and some may not need any of them.

1. Uninsured/Under-insured motorists coverage. This is the worst coverage of all, having us pay for all the deadbeats who will not pay for themselves. You only need this coverage really if you are driving a vehicle that is worth a lot more than about $25,000.00. Generally if you are hit by an uninsured motorist, then your collision coverage would kick in and take care of it. If the accident is their fault and they will not cover your deductible, then you can take them to small claims court for that part. Please verify this part with your agent, but if collision will pay, then buying additional coverage that pays again is a duplication, and your insurance company will not pay you twice no matter how many duplicate coverages that you purchase. Try to ditch this coverage if you possibly can. If you have a more expensive vehicle then you do kind of need the coverage in the case of the under-insured motorist, since if they have insurance then their insurance will pay, but if there coverage is not enough then your collision will not come in to play to cover, and you would need under-insured coverage then. See if you can purchase it just for that one vehicle. Some states make you cover all if you cover one.

2. Towing coverage. The agents like to scare you with this one. “What will happen if you need towing?” they ask. Well what will happen is you *might* have to pay for it. In our experience we find that towing is often an included service of the body shop that will fix your car. We have never had towing coverage, and in all that time we have been towed about seven times, we only had to pay once, and it was about $60.00. Save you money on that premium.

3. Rental Car Coverage. Just say no. If you really have to have a rental car then go to a body shop that offers the $10.00 a day rental car. Sometimes they will give you the rental for free as part of the service. We see this one as a waste of premium dollars.

4. Medical insurance. If others are injured in an accident that is your fault then your liability coverage will cover that. The extra medical premium is typically to cover you if you get hurt in an auto accident. This is likely a duplicate coverage if you have health insurance, and remember this one only covers you when in a car, where health insurance always covers you (make sure your health insurance does not exclude accidents). For most this is a duplicate coverage and should be avoided.

5. PIP, Personal injury protection or “No Fault”. This one is a failed idea and is usually a duplicate coverage of something else. Take the state law required minimum or refuse this coverage outright. My agent does not even attempt to dissuade me when I outright refuse this one.

6. The most recent insurance invention. You may find a coverage offered that is not described here. Chances are 99% against that you would ever need some coverage that has been recently invented. You do not need identity theft coverage on you auto policy.

Reorganize your auto insurance according to what you have read, and you can go forward sure in the knowledge that you are spending your insurance dollars effectively.

Motorcycle Insurance Tips And Basic Information To Help Speed The Process Of Obtaining Insurance Up

by Tim Gorman
One of the first things you need to do before hopping on your motorcycle and riding off into the sunset is to make sure you're insured. Companies that offer motorcycle insurance are going to be looking at a few specific things before they issue a policy. So here are a few tips to help you make sure you have the right information available, so that you can speed up the process.

Riding a motorcycle can be a really invigorating experience - the wind blowing through your hair as your cruise along the road in beautiful weather. No cares in the world, just the smell of leather in your nostrils. If you've decided you want to get a piece of this great lifestyle, but don't know where to start, then this article is for you

One of the first things you need to do before hopping on your motorcycle and riding off into the sunset is to make sure you're insured. Yes, I know this sounds a little mundane and boring, but it's vital. Companies that offer motorcycle insurance are going to be looking at a few specific things before they issue a policy. So here are a few tips to help you make sure you have the right information available, so that you can speed up the process.

The type of bike you ride is one of the most important factors the insurance company will consider. Motorcycle insurance is no different to getting insurance for your car or boat in this respect. Insurance companies don't necessarily care about whether or not they think you'll end up getting in a wreck, but they certainly want to know how much it's going to cost them to either repair or replace your bike. So both the cost of the bike and its level of safety features make a big difference to the premium you pay.

If your bike has lots of fancy add-ons, then you can almost guarantee you'll pay more for your insurance coverage. That's because the insurer has more to replace in the event of an accident. So if you want to save a few bucks, then it might be worth giving the various bike accessories a miss for now. Flashy tools, lights and various pieces of machinery can look cool, but the insurance company isn't impressed by cool - they just add up the cost and increase your premium accordingly.

The better known the manufacturer of your bike, the cheaper it will be to insure. This is because the insurance company has to assess what it's going to cost to repair your bike in the event of an accident. When a bike manufacturer is common and well known, then it's going to be much easier to source replacement parts for the repairs. That means the bike will be much cheaper to repair than one made by an unknown manufacturer.

Where To Find The Best Deal On Car Insurance

by Jon Arnold
Before shopping for insurance, you need to understand what types of insurance you need. Then do not assume your best quotes are going to be from an online source -- you need to compare what your local insurance agent can quote and then compare coverages.

It probably does not come as a surprise to you that you need to carry car insurance if you drive a car. This is true if it is your car or if you are driving a rental car. The reasons for this should be obvious in today’s economic world – if you should get into an accident, even if it’s not your fault, even the most minor of fender benders can cost into the thousands of dollars to repair. And if the accident is determined to be your fault and there are injuries, even minor injuries, the liability portion of your insurance can protect you against the potential loss of many more thousands of dollars.

Before you go out shopping for car insurance, however, you need to understand what kind of coverage you need and what kind of deductible you want applied to your car insurance policy. These factors will have a significant impact on how much you pay for your insurance, and will also impact how much coverage you really have and coverage under what circumstances.

First of all, you need to determine how much of a deductible you are willing to pay if you make a claim. The typical deductible is about $250 to $500. If you make a claim, the deductible is the amount that you pay towards the cost of the repairs. The higher the deductible, the lower your premium (your insurance payment) will be. The amount of deductible that you choose is up to you, but you should consider how much you would be able to pay out of your pocket if you should need to pay your deductible to get your car repaired after an accident.

Next you need to determine what kinds and types of coverage you need. If your pay is not yet paid for completely, you will likely be required to carry collision insurance. But if you have an older car that is paid off, you are not required to carry collision insurance. But keep in mind that if you are not carrying collision insurance and you get into an accident, the repairs will be completely out of your own pocket.

You will also have an option for comprehensive insurance. This typically covers things like fire and theft, where theft includes someone stealing the car, as well as someone taking something out of the car. Again, these are not required, although your lender may require these insurances if you are still making payments on the car.

As far as where to get the best insurance, do not assume that your best car insurance quotes will come from an online source. Many times your local insurance agent can match or even beat the rates you get via an online quote. This is particularly true if you have a very clean driving record, since your personal driving record and number of tickets you have received over the past 3-5 years also plays a part in determining your rate.

The bottom line is to shop around. You can get great quotes online, but be sure to compare those against quotes you can get from your local agent, since car insurance rates vary drastically between agencies and also amongst different states.

Car Insurance For Women

by Jason Hulott

We all know the old jokes about women drivers and there are plenty of them, but is there any difference when it comes to taking out car insurance if you are a woman? Are women treated any differently simply because they are a female driver?

We all know the old jokes about women drivers and there are plenty of them, but is there any difference when it comes to taking out car insurance if you are a woman? Are women treated any differently simply because they are a female driver?

Well, one thing for sure is that over the last few years there have been many companies emerging specifically aimed at attracting lady drivers. There are many adverts now with catchy tunes and catch phrases that stick in the mind and all imply that if you purchase your insurance from a company aimed specifically for women then women do actually get cheaper car insurance.

The concept behind this appears to be that women are indeed safer drivers than men. Statistics prove this, however many jokes say the opposite! It has also been noted that women who have claimed on their insurance have claimed at less cost to the insurers than men have. Women also tend to go for smaller cars with lower engine sizes rather than a flashy sports car with higher specs which of course goes a long way to insurance costs being higher.

However, when buying insurance specifically aimed at women, a woman will be offered the same coverage, for example third party or fully comprehensive, but along with they are also offered extras. For example, most policies aimed at women have breakdown cover included - or it is available for a very small added extra cost - this of course is for the safety of all those women that travel alone.

So in short, if you are a woman and need to take out motor insurance, then it is worthwhile checking out those sites and insurers which are specifically aimed at women drivers along with the “normal” insurers in order to get the best deal possible. It is worth noting that most insurers will look favourably on you simply because you are a woman and, as such, have been deemed a safer driver despite the jokes!

Cheap Car Insurance - 7 Tips To Reduce Your Car Insurance Costs

By Peter Crump

With the cost of car insurance becoming more and more of an issue for the average American family, there are increasing numbers of people looking for cheap car insurance. But although it is possible to find cheap car insurance, the question remains, is it worth buying?

Everyone knows that car insurance companies are not all equal. Cheap car insurance is wonderful when paying the bill, but make a mistake on the company you select and you could find that the cheap car insurance policy that you found may turn into a nightmare. Cheap car insurance may not turn out to be so attractive when making a claim.

So if you have found a discount car insurance broker don’t just take the cheapest quote that you get. You need to find out a little about the insurance company that is offering the cheap car insurance rates.

And there’s ways to reduce the cost of your car insurance even with the best of companies. Here are some tips for those looking for cheap car insurance to help reduce the cost of car insurance without compromising other things.

7 Cheap Car Insurance Tips

1. Look at your deductible amount. This is the amount that you pay first out of any claim. The cost of your policy is directly related to this amount. Many people, particularly those who have had their insurance policy for a long time, have never considered whether they ought to vary their deductible. If you have a good driving record and are prepared to increase the risk of paying a larger amount in the event of a (hopefully unlikely) claim you can save money by increasing your deductible.

2. Have a look at the type of car you drive. Certain types of cars attract higher car insurance rates. Cars such as sports cars and also certain makes and models that are prime theft candidates cost more to insure. If you are buying a car then find out which makes and models these are before you buy.

3. Drive carefully. Although it sounds a little trite to say it, your car insurance cost is a factor of your risk profile. You won’t get cheap car insurance if you have had 3 speeding fines and 2 accidents in the last year. These things are all taken into account and you should take care with how you drive. It all adds up onto your bill. There are big safe driver discounts available.

4. Considering installing safety and anti theft devices in your car. Again these affect your risk profile. If you have a car that is safer and less at risk of theft it should be cheaper to insure. And if you have a car with certain safety devices now check that your insurance company is aware of these, if not tell them.

5. Look at your policy when it comes to renewal time, don’t just pay. There are some things that you can vary in your policy that will affect the cost. Often there are some things there which duplicate other insurance that you may have that can be eliminated. Be critical, look carefully and ask questions about all these before you renew your policy.

6. Have a look at who your other insurers are. Many insurers offer a discount for multiple policies. If you insure your house with a certain company then ring them up and find out if they do car insurance. Get a quote from them. Find out what discounts they offer.

7. Find a good online discount car insurance broker before renewing. The internet is a fabulous resource. Use it. There are all sorts of discount insurance brokers online where you can get fast quotes from a wide range of companies. Don’t just settle for the same company you always use. Car insurance rates vary all the time. Always get comparable quotes before renewing any policy.

Classic Car Insurance

by Jeff Foote
This article reviews the best method of insuring a classic car. It gives a reason as to why a standard auto insurance policy is not the best auto insurance for antique vehicles.

You can insure a classic, antique, collector, or custom car the same way you insure any other vehicle. However, many classic car owners end up regretting this decision if their vehicle is totaled. Why? Because when your classic car is declared a total loss by a standard auto insurance policy, you will receive the actual cash value of your vehicle, which in most cases will be quite low and won't leave a smile on your face.

There are far better auto insurance policy options for classic car owners; however, you often have to meet certain criteria to apply for them.

You must have a minimum number of years of driving experience You cannot use the car for business purposes You must prove that you have another car that you use regularlyYou cannot drive the vehicle over a set number of miles per year

The automobile must be a certain number of years old

If you meet these criteria, then you may be able to purchase classic car insurance. However, not every auto insurance carrier will insure classic cars. When you find a carrier that does, the cost is usually less than what you would pay for a 'normal' vehicle.

The preferred type of auto insurance policy for classic cars is an agreed value policy. Before you buy a policy of this nature, you must sit down with an agent and concur on a value that will be paid in the event that your vehicle is totaled. Your agent will also give you a quote for this type of policy. So, if you are in an accident and the damages to your classic car are less than the agreed value, your insurance provider will pay for the repairs. If the cost to repair your vehicle is greater than the agreed value, you will receive your preset agreed amount. This is without question the preferred auto insurance policy for a classic car.

The Multi-Car Discount

by Neal Hamou
There is a problem that exists in almost every family household across the country today. Your beloved child has just turned old enough to drive, but he/she needs auto insurance. As a parent, what are your options?

There is a problem that exists in almost every family household across the country today. Your beloved child has just turned old enough to drive, but he/she needs auto insurance. As a parent, what are your options? Would it be cheaper to add you child’s name to your existing car insurance policy? Or would it be a better idea to get him/her a new plan under their name? This article will explain the pros and cons of both options and give you a better direction in handling this important decision.

One of the largest auto insurance discounts around is called the Multi-Car Discount. Any average person would think that if you have to insure two separate vehicles, it would be a perfect opportunity for auto insurance companies to hit you with ridiculous policy premiums. But it’s actually quite the opposite! Almost all of the major auto insurance companies across the Unites States offer a popular discount called the Multi-Car Discount.

This discount states that if you are insuring more than one car on a single insurance policy, you can save anywhere from 10 to 35 percent off your entire monthly payment! This comes in handy when your child is begging you to add him/her to your existing policy because any 16-18 year old kid is doomed to having no cheap auto insurance rates available until a few years later. It is common knowledge that most car insurance companies do not offer cheap rates to children under the age of 18, ESPECIALLY if the child is male.

Calculated risk is the reason for this. Depending on many factors (including age, sex, location, driving history, and basically how at risk your vehicle is to be vandalized or stolen), every insurance company has an extremely complicated algorithm dedicated to calculating how much risk each driver has compared to all the others. The higher the risk, the higher your monthly insurance rates will be.

Give your child his/her own insurance policy under their own name, and they’ll most likely be paying far more than any other option. Add your child’s name and vehicle to your own policy, and you will qualify for discounts as well as save your child a ton of cash on monthly insurance premiums. (If you happen to be paying for your child’s car insurance, you will be saving yourself all that cash.)

Classic Car Insurance Secrets - The Insider's Guide to Understanding Classic Car Insurance

by Stuart Brown

Ok. So you have a problem. Namely that you need classic car insurance. You need it now. Where do you turn? Fortunately there is a step by step process to follow to get your classic car insured, safe and feeling comfortable.

If you have an antique or classic car then you know how lucky you are! Every time you look at it it makes you feel good, and makes you remember exactly what you achieved in order to be able to own it. There are only a couple of flies in the ointment. The first you have already overcome. That's finding, buying and probably restoring the car to its former glory (unfortunately many antique and classic cars are in 'antique and classic' shape when you find them!). The next biggest problem (other than finding the money to buy it in the first place), is classic car insurance. Because whilst you hope that all goes well, you have to be prepared for problems (even if you don't think they will happen).

Ok. So you have a problem. Namely that you need classic car insurance. You need it now. Where do you turn? Fortunately there is a step by step process to follow to get your classic car insured, safe and feeling comfortable. And thankfully, in these days of the internet, it need not put you in the poorhouse to achieve your goal of safely meandering the country lanes (or wherever you happen to find yourself), in your new pride and joy.

The first step is to do a search for classic car insurance online. You will find that most insurance companies will allow you to drive your classic car for around 5000 miles a year. And this is something worth bearing in mind when you approach insurance companies. You need to know how much you intend to drive the car, and realise that that will be a key factor (along with driving record, your age etc) in determining the amount of insurance premiums that you will have to pay. If you drive the car a lot, then expect your premiums to cost you much more.

The insurance companies tend to have a couple of different classifications as to what constitutes a 'classic car'. These tend to fall into the following three time periods.

1934 - 1970 - The car should typically be older than 15 years to be thought of in the 'classic car' mould. Though obviously, this is a matter of preference for the user ;) But as far as the classic car insurance company is concerned it is a good yardstick to bear in mind.

1903 - 1933 - These are referred to as 'Vintage or sometimes 'Antique' Classic Cars.

Prior to 1903 - These are called 'Veteran' Cars. They are typically very rare, and often one-offs, so expect the classic car insurance premiums on these to be somewhat steep.

The important thing to remember though is that there is less choice in the classic car insurance market. It is simply not offered by as many companies, there are more niche players, and so the classic car insurance quotes that you receive may well be less varied then you would get in the general auto insurance market.

New Jersey Car Insurance - Why Now Is A Good Time To Shop

by Scott Lunt
New Jersey car insurance options are finally getting better for people who live in the Garden State, according to a national insurance organization. That's good news and if you are a New Jersey driver, here's why now is a good time to see if you can save.

According to the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America, these are some of the changes that have made New Jersey car insurance better for consumers as a result of the 2003 New Jersey Automobile Insurance Competition and Choice Act. In a nutshell, this act was created to improve the auto insurance market in New Jersey by attracting more competition. Since then:

1) More car insurance companies have entered the New Jersey marketplace. This provides greater competition and thus an advantage for the car insurance buyer. A lot of these are major companies.

2) The reforms have provided more options to people living in urban areas for products and services. Again, this makes things more competitive and gives drivers the advantage when shopping for New Jersey car insurance quotes.

3) Car insurance rates in New Jersey have lowered and become more stable. What's more, there are more coverages available and more choices.

One of the best ways to save on car insurance is to comparison shop and now people in New Jersey can benefit even more from comparison shopping because rates can vary from one company to the next.

One of the easiest and fastest ways to do this is to go online. You can request quotes directly from each New Jersey car insurance company Web site. Just make sure to provide the same information about coverages and deductibles each time to get the most accurate comparison. You can also visit a comparison site that allows you to enter your information once and get several different quotes back.

Victims of car crash petition for settlement

By Mike Allen

On Oct. 1, 2005, a four-car crash in Louisa County devastated three Roanoke-area families. Two boys and a girl were hurt, and a third boy was killed. One of the surviving boys lost his mother in the crash.

This week, all the families involved and their insurance companies petitioned for a settlement of $1.3 million in Roanoke County Circuit Court. The settlement, which has not yet been finalized by a judge, would be divided among the victims of the crash.

"We all congregated together, supported each other," said Cheryl Smith, who was injured in the crash along with her daughter Caitlin, then 9, and son Conner, then 7. "I place this as another part of God's work in all of this."

"They did the best they could with what they had to work with," said Sandy Mosier, mother of 10-year-old J.T. Mosier, who died in the crash.

Cameron Stoops, then 7, was also injured, and his mother, Bridget Stoops, was killed.

The woman who police say caused the crash, Myrta Claudio of Staten Island, N.Y., also died in the crash. Her insurance was limited to payments of $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident, and her estate had no assets, according to the petition. Because of this, payments in the settlement have to come from the other families' uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage.

"This was a horrible, horrible crash," said Salem lawyer Brent Brown, who represented Caitlin and Conner Smith in the settlement. "To make it all work, everybody had to agree, to avoid protracted, expensive, nonproductive litigation."

"It's a terrible example of what happens when people don't carry automobile insurance," said lawyer John Lichtenstein, who represented Cameron Stoops.

Under the agreement, the Smith family would receive $927,000, the Stoops family $304,000 and the Mosier family about $44,000.

All the families are grateful to have this phase behind them, but it won't solve their financial challenges.

New surgery last month for Caitlin Smith related to complications from her injuries racked up costs of more than $40,000, her mother said.

Cheryl Smith said that compared to projections of her children's future medical expenses, the settlement "is like a drop in the bucket."

Police: Car-death suspect spoke freely, waived lawyer

By Oliver Mackson

Goshen - Aramis Cabrera acknowledged his right to a lawyer, turned it down and spoke freely about how the rental van he was driving hit and killed 67-year-old Angela Manouvelos last year, a state police investigator testified Friday in Orange County Court.
Investigator Darrin Fulton told Judge Nicholas DeRosa that Cabrera, 24, was full of remorse after the May 18 death of Manouvelos. Cabrera told the investigator that just before the impact, his attention was drawn to a group of people standing on a curb in the National Wholesale Liquidators parking lot.
Cabrera’s charged with criminally negligent homicide and speeding. He’s also facing a civil suit. A lawyer for Manouvelos’ estate contends that Cabrera’s employer, Rent-a-Center, was warned before the accident that its employees were speeding through the parking lot.
Friday’s testimony occurred during a hearing to determine whether Cabrera’s statement was obtained legally. He is free on $1,000 bail.